- 16 pages, landscape, pdf: Contains the text of the Ordinary of the Mass of the 1962 Roman Missal (Missa Cantata and Missa Lecta), the Leonine Prayers, and Benediction. When duplex printed on its left (short) edge, spine stapled, and folded in half, it becomes a standard booklet size (5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches) hand missal, suitable for use at Mass.NOTE: If you need to produce many of these for your parish, consider having the Latin Liturgy Association produce a customized version for you. See Customized Missalettes
1962 Roman Missal Latin English Pdf
We are now in our 11th printing of the first totally retypeset, 1962 Latin-English Daily Missal for the laity since Vatican II. This is the most complete missal ever produced in the English language. We have included everything in a missal that is affordable while being of the highest durability.
The 1962 Roman Missal preceded the Second Vatican Council's promulgation of Nostra Aetate by three years. The Missal therefore reflects the attitudes toward other religions that prevailed before the revolution in interreligious relations launched by the conciliar declaration. Of particular concern are the prayers of the Easter Triduum, especially for Good Friday. This motu proprio, as issued, is ambiguous about the prayers of concern. It does explicilty prohibit priests from celebrating masses according to the 1962 missal during the Sacred Triduum, "in masses celebrated without the people" (2). However, while perhaps implied, it does not explicitly extend this restriction to masses celebrated in religious communities or parishes. 2ff7e9595c